Monday, April 20, 2009


The moment you've all been waiting for...the recap of the ***MATH POETRY CONTEST***.

We had winners in the following coveted categories:

The "I Got Plenty of Nothin'" Award for best use of the number 0 in a math poem.

The "I Can Count to Two! Can You Count to Two, Too?" Award for best use of the number 2 in a math poem.

The "Four Color Trapezoid with Four Wheel Drive" Award for best use of the number 4 in a math poem.

The "Devon and Kevin Go to Heaven" Award for best use of the number 7 in a math poem.

The "Sideways Infinity" Award for best use of the number 8 in a math poem.

The "Kind of Sort of Upside Down 6" Award for best use of the number 9 in a math poem.

The "Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes, Minus the Head, Shoulders, and Knees" Award for best use of the number 10 in a math poem.

The "Through the Looking Glass" Award for best use of negative numbers in a math poem.

The "JVLIVS CAESARIS" Award for best use of Roman numerals in a math poem.

The "What Comes After a Gazillion and One?" Award for best use of Large Numbers in a math poem.

The "Hey Jude" Award for best use of repetition best use of repetition of repetition in a math poem math poem.

The "Honey, Do You Love Me?" Award for best mention of bees or beehives in a math poem.

The "A plus, 100%, Red-Letter" Award for best mention of the Math Guy's Correct Box in a math poem.

The "Sixteen Going on Seventeen" Award for best use of numbers 13 through 19 in a math poem.

The "Pass the Pepper" Award for best mention of food in a math poem.

The "Boxcars and Snake Eyes" Award for best use of doubles facts in a math poem.

The "Elementary, My Dear Watson" Award for providing the reader with clues to the poet's favorite number.

The "It's-Not-Easy-Being-Green" Award for best references to nature in a math poem.

The "Age Before Beauty" Award for best mention of ages in a math poem.

The "Count von Count" Award for best use of the numbers 1, 2, and 3 IN THAT ORDER in a math poem.

The "Help Help I'm Being Invaded by Rabbits" Award for best use of multiplication in a math poem.

There were multiple winners of some of these awards. Winners received hot-off-the-presses suitable-for-framing certificates of merit. Also, pencils. Congrats to all who participated!

1 comment:

  1. This was a wonderful lower school assembly awards ceremony. Onwards with wonder and fun of knowing the numbers! Thanks Stephen - Josie
